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A training center in Yingkou need English teachers!

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Yingkou | Posted by:UncleSams     Apr 29 11:34      share
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Position Info

Job Nature:Full-time
Age RQMT:yrs old
Need Number:5persons
Job Category:Education/Train/English Teache
Working Area:Liaoning-Yingkou
Educational RQMT:No limit

Working Exp.:No limit 

Job Info

Uncle Sam's Kids English School in Yingkou, Liaoning is hiring for native English speakers for an immediate start. Positions will also shortly be available at a new location in a nearby city. All applications will be considered due to urgent need. Job details: EFL Teacher, one year contract Yingkou, Liaoning Province 6000RMB-8000RMB per month plus furnished apartment 5000RMB contract completion bonus Maximum 25 teaching hours per week 2 days off per week Chinese national holidays off Z visa sponsorship Preferred qualifications: Bachelor's degree + TEFL + 2 years experience

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 4589

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